Landasan Biblika Tematik Pendidikan Kristen dalam Kitab Injil dan Kisah Para Rasul
Grace Birahim, M.Pd.K. DOSEN

S2PAK-22071 Landasan Biblika Tematik Pendidikan Kristen dalam Kitab Injil dan Kisah Para Rasul

Mata Kuliah  Landasan Biblika Tematik Pendidikan Kristen dalam Kitab Injil dan Kisah Para Rasul

Gospel, Culture, and Context
Dr. Marde Christian Stenly Mawikere

Contextual Theology Gospel, Culture, and Context

The course Gospel, Culture, and Context (Contextual Theology) delves into advanced studies of contextual theology, applying the entirety of biblical truth within the context where the church exists and grows. This course emphasizes the primacy of biblical principles in contextualization efforts, reflecting on the existing context afterward. The term "context" refers to a culture, traditions, development, modern life, pop culture, and any form it may take up to the present moment. Therefore, contextualization is not a romanticization of past cultural forms but encompasses all aspects of human life dynamics, enabling the church to be accepted and its purpose to thrive in a cultural context. Contextualization is not just about mission/evangelism; it involves the entire life of theologizing, being a church, and serving Jesus Christ in the face of a multi-context society.

Missions as Transformation
Dr. Marde Christian Stenly Mawikere

Theology of Missions Missions as Transformation

The course Mission as Transformation (Theology of Missions or Missional Theology) is a study of the nature, purpose, and practices of mission in Biblical, Contemporary, and Scientific contexts. In this study, students will explore mission as an integral part of God's work in the history of salvation, and how mission can be carried out in diverse cultural, social, and political contexts.

In the Biblical view, Missional Theology sees mission as God's call to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to the entire world. Its goal is to make disciples of all nations and build healthy and strong churches. This understanding is based on various biblical texts and themes.

In the Contemporary context, Missional Theology considers the challenges and opportunities faced by the church in the 21st century. This includes challenges from various schools of thought and ideologies that threaten Christian beliefs and values, as well as opportunities arising from technological advancements and globalization that facilitate the spread of the Gospel.

In the Scientific perspective, Missional Theology adopts a systematic and analytical approach to study mission as a social and cultural phenomenon. Students will learn about concepts such as pluralism, multiculturalism, and tolerance, considering how these can impact and be influenced by mission.

Overall, Missional Theology aims to prepare students to engage in mission effectively and efficiently in the midst of a constantly changing and diverse world. Students will learn about relevant strategies, methods, and principles in mission, and how to practice them contextually and contemporarily in various cultural, social, and political environments.

Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pembelajaran
Yolanda Nany Palar

12345/A Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pembelajaran

Mahasiswa dan dosen berkenalan

Mahasiswa bersama dosen mencermati RPS dan tanya jawab tentang tujuan, bahan kajian dan strategi belajar dalam perkuliahan pengembangan kurikulum M

Mahasiswa bersama dosen membuat kontak belajar

Membagi tugas kelompok